Grand Prix Special win in pouring rain!

Glamourdale and Lottie were the last combination to enter the ring for the Grand Prix Special in Kronenberg on Saturday. There were showers all day long, but when the penultimate combination entered the ring it started to rain a little harder. The moment Lottie was allowed to start her test, the gates of heaven were opened and this continued throughout the entire test. But unperturbed, the duo showed an amazing test in which again several 10’s could be given by the judges. With a score of 81.085% they managed to win the class.

Glamourdale wins in Kronenberg

Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale will compete in the Grand Prix at the CDI in Kronenberg this weekend. The reigning World Champions won the Grand Prix convincingly with 79.544%. There were still some minor flaws in Fry and Glamourdale’s test, but he seems to be in great shape.
On Saturday, Glamourdale will make an appearance in the Grand Prix Special.


New collection Van Olst Sales now online!

From now on, the first collection of The Foal Edition 2023 is online! 19 foals, all descending from the Van Olst stallions, are offered in this auction. Take a look at the collection, if you have any questions about the foals, please contact the organization!

Bidding starts on Friday, August 4 at 12 noon.

Kingsland new sponsor

From July 1, Kingsland is the new sponsor of Van Olst Horses and Charlotte Fry. For the next 2 years, Kingsland will provide the clothing for Lottie and the entire Van Olst Horses team.
“I love Kingsland Equestrian clothing so I am thrilled about this great partnership, especially in the run-up to Paris next year,” says Lottie.

Influenced by her Olympian mother, the late Laura Fry, Lottie’s equestrian journey began at the age of three. Later in life, she regularly devoted her post-school hours to riding 2-3 horses and competing at international pony shows.

When she turned 17, Lottie moved to the Netherlands to work at van Olst Horses and train under the expert guidance of former Olympic rider Anne van Olst. Since then, her career has soared to new heights. After her stunning victory at the FEI World Championships 2022 in Herning, Denmark, she proudly claimed the title of Dressage World Champion.

Reflecting on the collaboration, Kingsland’s CEO, Lars Beck, says, “As Kingsland teams up with Lottie and van OlstHorses, our shared passion for sport becomes the driving force. And together, we are eager to foster positive change in equestrian fashion.”

Studbook inspection Den Hout: 85/85 for Kjento daughter Peru Dos

At the studbook inspection today in Den Hout, 26 dressage horses were presented. Of these, 23 became ster, including six with at least 80/80. Top scorer was the by Gerard de Bruyn bred Peru Dos (Kjento x Krack C) of Gertjan and Anne van Olst.


With an upper beam of 85/85, Peru Dos (Kjento out of Cadanz A elite IBOP-dres by Krack C, breeder Gerard de Bruyn of Schelluinen) of Van Olst Horses was the best scoring mare of the day. For her trot she received 90 points.

“This is an athletically built, well in the rectangular model mare with lots of front, a strong topline and well-developed foundation. She strides with good body use, tact and space. In trot she has lots of power and power, a good leg technique, lots of balance and she can switch easily. In canter she shows a very nice silhouette, in which she goes uphill and can easily change,” says Bart Bax enthusiastically who judged the horses together with Floor Dröge.



Three mares became star with 80/85. First, Passiana (Taminiau out of Gabriana V.O.D. ster PROK by Uphill) by breeder Joanneke van Os from Sprang-Capelle. “This mare has lots of charisma, a beautiful front with expressive head, a well-muscled neck in which she could still have a fraction more length, a good withers/shoulders and well-developed feet. She steps actively with good stride, she trots light-footed with a good use of the hind leg and in this she needs little speed to balance well.


Pearl B

With the same upper beam, the Jayson daughter Pearl B (out of Gwendolyn ster PROK by Lord Leatherdale, breeder A.J. Bakker of Alkmaar) of Van Olst Horses won ster. “This is a sufficiently developed, well-set in the rectangular model mare with an expressive head, good neck shape and strong topline. In her feet this 1.63m mare could have a little more development. She steps actively, spacious, with power and body use. She trots light-footed, with good impulsion and switchability. In canter she has a lot of jump and power, where for even higher marks she could show a little more flexion in the hind leg.”


Passie Bloem

Gertjan van Olst also did good business with the 80/85-scoring, homebred Passiebloem (Lantanas out of Fresia ster PROK by Negro). “An ample, long-lined mare who is upwardly built and has a lot of charisma. She has a well-muscled neck and strong topline. Her walk is tactful and active, where she could show a little more body use. In her light-footed trot she has good suppleness, posture and leg technique. In canter her looseness stands out, she brings her hind leg well under the mass and stays well closed.”



Van Olst’s Pegasus (Glamourdale by Kalua elite IBOP-dres PROK by Negro, breeder Piet van de Brandt of Volkel) also walked to the ster predicate with 85 points, she additionally received 75 points for conformation. “This sufficiently developed mare stands well in the rectangular model and has a slightly heavy head/neck connection. Her neck is of good shape and muscling, in her topline she could be a bit stronger, her foundation is more than sufficiently correct. She appreciates herself positively in trot and canter: she trots with a lot of leg technique, space, balance and a good undergoing hind leg. For her canter they could give her 90 points, in that she has a lot of power and balance, she can switch and change easily, and continues to canter very well on the hind leg and in posture. Her walk is active but in that she could show more looseness and space.”


Good Kjento’s

Ster with 80/80 were Perica (Kjento by Dulcia ster by Krack C, breeder M. Streppel from Lemelerveld) of Van Olst Horses and the gelding Power (Kjento by Uzella elite PROK by Gribaldi, breeder P.G.H. van Loon from Galder) of Van Olst Horses, with whom their sire showed his calling card.


“Perica is an amply developed and ditto long-lined mare with a nice front, strong topline and good croup. Her foundation is hard and correct. In walk she is diligent, has good reach and body use. In trot she is light-footed and moves with suppleness, good reach and leg technique. In canter she has good scope and jump, in that she could hold her balance a little better in the turns.”

“The three-year-old gelding Power is generously developed, stands well in the rectangular model, has a nice topline and well-developed foundation. He strides with power, tact and body use. In trot he has good posture and moves uphill nicely from the hind leg, where he could have a little more shoulder freedom. Also in canter we see his good posture and balance, he needs little speed in it.”

Star predicate
Also competing were Perla Marrone V (Kjento out of Betwina ster PROK by Johnson) by breeders I.C.N. and I. Veeke from Standdaarbuiten (75/80), Passadena (Negro out of Evalira elite EPTM-dres D-OC by Jazz, breeder A. van den Broek from Boekel) by Van Olst Horses (75/80), Petra (Jayson out of Cairo prest PROK by Samarant, breeder R. Kroonen from Schin op Geul) from Van Olst Horses (75/80) and Prima Donna (Glamourdale out of First Donna C ster pref PROK by Jazz) by breeder H. Verthriest from Nevel (70/80) with 80 points for movement today to the ster predicate.



Qualifier World Championship Young Dressage Horses

On Tuesday 5 July, the last selection was ridden for the World Championships for young dressage horses, which will be held in Ermelo this year.

Van Olst Horses had three “irons in the fire” in the five-year-old class:
Everest, Especial x Negro, bred by Van Olst Hores and ridden by Phoebe Peters,
Nalegro, Painted Black x Negro, bred by the Hanse family from Burgh-Haamstede and Van Olst Horses and ridden by Charlotte Fry,
Nacho, Negro x Krack C, breeder S. Maakenschijn from Chaam and ridden by Charlotte Fry.

All three horses showed themselves as expected and then it’s a matter of waiting to see what the selection committee would decide…

Both Everest and Nalegro have been selected to participate in the World Championship and Nacho is reserve! Very proud that two self-bred horses under two different riders have been selected to participate in this event!

Photo: Everest

Huge PB for Everdale in Aachen

Everdale and Lottie just rode the rest of there live in the freestyle in Aachen. With a personal best of 87.515%, the black tyrant showed to be in the prime of his life. Where he scored 85% at the first outdoor competition in Compiegne in May of this year, a good 2% could be added just 7 weeks later! With a fourth place in this very strong field, this was a top conclusion of 4 days of dressage sport in the always amazing Aachen!

Everdale 3e in Aken, zijn zoon Imhotep wordt 2e

Zoals ieder jaar is er ook dit jaar een Nations Cup dressuur in Aken. Lottie is geselecteerd met Everdale om aan deze landenwedstrijd mee te doen. De 14-jarige hengst is topfit en leek in de week voor het concours zeer goed in vorm te zijn.
Als derde combinatie van team GB betrad het duo het stadion voor hun test en dat deden ze met verve! Een score van 78,913% belandde op het scorebord, wat weer een nieuw PR is voor dit duo en een derde plek in dit zeer sterke deelnemersveld.

Het is al bekend dat Everdale als vererver vele sportpaarden heeft voortgebracht die internationaal doorbreken. Eén van deze paarden is de 10-jarige ruin Imhotep, mv. Vivaldi, gereden door Charlotte Dujardin. Als laatste starter voor team GB behaalde ze een resultaat van 79,782%, waarmee ze op de 2e plaats eindigden!
Een bijzonder podium in Aken, vader en zoon op de 2e en 3e plaats!

Aachen 2023

After Lottie was already present in Aachen this weekend for the opening ceremony, she is now there to participate in the competition.
Lars van de Hoenderheide, s. Negro is participating in the 4* competition that is organized next to the 5* competition. And in Aachen only the world’s best horses take part and the starting list of the 4* Grand Prix is filled with big names and well-known horses.

In this Grand Prix Lottie rode the chestnut gelding to a good 75% which was good for a second place!

Photo: sire Negro

Especial in show evening “Pferd und Sinfonie” in Aachen

Every year, the CHIO Aachen kicks off with a show in which music and equestrian sports meet. This year, the organization chose Great Britain as partner country and of course world champion Charlotte Fry could not be missed in this show.
She rode this show on the gray Especial, Everdale x Vivaldi, breeder C. van Bavel from Oosterhout, who competes internationally in the Grand Prix. Fun fact is that his son Everest has been admitted to the final round of the World Cup selections for the Netherlands.
Accompanied by the Aachen Symphony Orchestra, they rode a beautiful Freestyle that was also particularly attractively lit.

Watch the video on YouTube here